Your Guide to Oral Hygiene While You Are on Vacation

Posted on: June 16, 2018


Vacation Oral Hygiene Cheat Code: Ventilation

Oral hygiene is probably the last thing on your mind when you are planning your vacation. You are likely thinking about warm temperatures, clear skies, refreshing water, sand and fun. However, if you spend too much time enjoying yourself, you will either forget to clean your teeth or simply neglect them as you are exhausted. Part of the battle is keeping your cleaning supplies fresh.

Ventilation is one of the many cheat codes for vacation oral hygiene. Your toothbrush is especially sensitive to the surrounding environment. Store it in a well-ventilated area that has a consistent flow of fresh air such as space by the window.

Do not cover the toothbrush with a cap as such a covering can cause bacteria to grow. If you absolutely have to cover your toothbrush, use a large cover that allows air to circulate. By keeping the toothbrush dry, it will remain as clean as possible throughout the vacation.

Abide by an Oral Cleaning Schedule Without Exception

Make a promise to yourself to clean your teeth at least two times each day: once in the morning and once in the evening, prior to bedtime. It does not matter if you perform these cleanings at the same time each night. What matters is that you perform them.

Do not give yourself any excuses, regardless of how much wine you drink or how many pieces of cake you enjoy. Add in the fact that a nightly cleaning will reduce the pungency of your morning breath and you have even more reason to clean your teeth before hitting the hay.

Consider the Local Water Quality

If the area you are traveling to is known for low-quality water, do not use it to clean your teeth. Boil the water prior to using it in your oral care routine and/or consuming it. If you do not want to go to the trouble of boiling water, resort to bottled water rather than taking any chances with tainted tap water.

Travel light

Aim for less rather than more when packing. Consolidate your oral hygiene items in a small packing case. Choose diminutive mouthwash bottles, miniature toothpaste and foldable toothbrushes. You can even keep such small items in your purse or carry-on bag to use when necessary. Be sure to check with airline guidelines to ensure the proper amount you can bring on a plane before making the trip.

Prepare for the Worst Case Scenario

Pack an extra toothbrush, tube of toothpaste and floss. This way, if you lose one of these items or if you run out, you will have a backup at your disposal. It also makes sense to pack one of each in your checked back and your backpack, purse or other carry-on. If you are separated from your checked bags, you will still be able to complete your oral healthcare routine thanks to the extra set of cleaning supplies in your carry-on bag.

Request a dental check-up before you leave here: or call Brooke M. Cloninger, D.D.S. at (509) 319-2152 for an appointment in our Spokane dental office.

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